We Act in Accordance With How Much We Value

In a recent news article I read that a lifeguard left his post, against his employer’s policies, to rescue a swimmer drowning in an area outside of his assigned zone.  He was subsequently fired in accordance with the company’s policy.  He stated that he was aware of the policy and the possibility of getting fired but judged that saving the drowning person was more important to him than whether or not he would lose his job.  In other words, he determined that he valued the person’s safety and life above the value of his job and himself.

How much we value something is our motivation towards action.  We act upon how much or how little we value something and/or the relative value of one thing to another.  That’s why it’s so important that we hold ourselves accountable to take the necessary time and make the required efforts to find the positive value in others.  Once we can see the positive value of someone, then our actions will reflect that perception in the forms of understanding, compassion and empathy.

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